The Science of Lies?
Feb 25, 2025
Trigger warning: Here is THE major FLAW with Psychology/Psychotherapy.
It fabricates artificial concepts like "shadow", or father issues, or "complexes" - diagnoses - that one can (literally) never outrun, and that PRODUCE a sense of lacking/wounding that is unfillable/unfixable.
Then it uses the resulting neuroses that naturally arise from spending a lifetime trying to fix an "it" that is not an it, and fill a void that is not there, as "proof" that the artificial concept is, in fact, a "real issue."
You heard it from this therapist first: it's a scam/lie - albeit mostly propagated by well-meaning people who actually care.
That's why study after study shows that the "theory" or "intervention" a therapist uses is mostly statistically insignificant and that the QUALITY of the relationship between therapist and client makes ALL the difference. In other words, it doesn't matter how the therapist explains the "it" and how to get rid of or fill "it" up. Because that's all not happening anyway.
Turns out, loving attention is like the Sun that dispels the shadow easily and automatically.
If you are "just" in the living moment (where else can you be?) and you were not producing thoughts and images that generated sensations would "it" exist?
Could "it" exist?
If you are so present in love that you forget all about "it” and are experiencing joy where did "it" go?
Does "it" have an existence other than your thinking into existence in the living moment?
Is that the best use of your time?
Sorry, shrinks and coaches and "shadow workers" if I just put a bunch of you out of work. I know, I know, having an unfixable problem with an infinite variety of explanations is good for business!
Don't feel bad, I went back to get a SECOND Master's degree in Psychology thinking, I didn't get "it" the first time, and I still don't know how to help people get rid of "it" or fill "it". I wracked up more debt than I care to admit before realizing the people who taught me, who wrote the books, who who made the theories, who make up the manuals, who issue the licenses, who write the regulations, who generate the protocols... they don't have a clue either! They all believe in "it!"
We do all need help sometimes because it's an easy forest of effects to get lost in.
So, if that's what's up for you, find someone who can help you create solutions (not fix problems) and become like the Sun yourself, so that the ghosts about you (that don't have substance but do have an effect), can vanish like the amalgamation of images, thoughts, and sensations they are!

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